The Integration of Air Con into Your Business

August 6 2017

James Patten


Having quality indoor air is vital for businesses, whether commercial or industrial, warm air heating can have a big impact on the comfort, health, productivity, and wellbeing of your employees (and technology). Integrating air conditioning into your business helps to address the issue.

There are advantages to ensuring you provide air conditioning to your employees, mainly relating to a happy environment that can bring you higher levels of productivity. Investing in quality indoor air has a positive effect throughout the workforce, highlighting how you value your employees.


Why Quality Indoor Air Matters

Having poor quality indoor air is likely to increase the risk of illnesses, which is particularly important as most of our time is spent indoors. Certain consequences to your employees could include headaches, nose and eyes irritation, and fatigue, with the possibility of chronic allergies becoming worse. More susceptible people, such as children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses, are very likely to suffer the effects instantly. This is why it is increasingly important to ensure you continue with warm air heating maintenance.

A recent study conducted by Harvard and Syracuse Universities teams showcases the impact of emissions, levels of carbon dioxide, and proper ventilation on health, productivity, and thinking. High-quality air is important for the wellbeing of employees, which air conditioning can help you with.


Investing in Your Employees’ Wellbeing

The University of California has conducted a study on how wellness programs can impact employees’ productivity. Investing in measures that combat the effects on employee health and wellbeing is sure to reduce the percentage of absenteeism. Employees who work while ill, also called ‘presenteeism’, are shown to have lower productivity. Fellowes, a global office solutions brand, have presented a recent study on this phenomenon.

52% of UK workers have said they go to work when they are ill, which not only increases the spreading of illnesses but also work-related health issues such as backaches and headaches. Having a preventative approach is needed, such as integrating air conditioning for quality indoor air, to guarantee a happier and more engaged workforce


Increase in Employee Productivity

Air conditioning helps to provide a more comfortable environment at work, which increases productivity. When your employees feel healthy, they engage more with the work they are doing. VitalityHealth conducted a study in partnership with the University of Cambridge, Mercer, and RAND Europe on the loss of productivity due to illnesses. Poor health can cost approximately £73 billion a year to the UK economy, as employees lose on average 27.5 days a year of productive time due to being ill or underperforming for being ill. The cost of warm air heating maintenance could prove less than sick days in monetary terms whilst increasing the productivity.

Ensuring that you offer a workplace focused on providing wellness is vital for employee happiness. Air conditioning being integrated into your business is a great step towards guaranteeing this. With cooler temperatures in the office, there is less heat and less sweating, which leads to a better work environment and a decreased risk of dehydration.


If you wish to integrate air conditioning into your business, simply get in touch with us here at Heritage Heating & Cooling and we’ll ensure that you have a high-quality solution. We’re always happy to help you find the solution that fits your business and your requirements.

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