Evaporative Cooling: An Eco-Friendly Alternative

January 5 2017

James Patten


2016 was a huge wake-up call for the planet as a whole; outdoor air pollution has risen 8% in the last five years and is causing a whole host of issues for our environment.

As we’ve entered a brand new year, many conservationists and pollution experts are calling for people to make the switch to more sustainable alternatives, especially in the commercial and industrial sectors in an effort to help bring pollution levels down.

While many people believe that air conditioning and heating units are a significant contributor to the damage of our planet, this is simply not the case, especially considering the vast array of eco-friendly options available, including evaporative cooling.

Making the Switch

While winter isn’t necessarily the time of year where you would be thinking about air conditioning, there’s no time like the present to update the unit that you have in place to a more environmentally friendly one.

Heritage Heating Evaporative Cooling Installation

As the use of your air conditioning is potentially less frequent at this time of year, there will be less interruption to the operation than if you left it closer to the spring time. Due to the simplicity of the evaporative cooling process, installation of a new unit can take no time at all.

How is it Eco-Friendly?

Rather than using mechanical refrigeration, like many other air conditioners, evaporative cooling takes advantage of the moisture in the air and uses it to produce cool air.

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We’ve taken a look at the evaporative cooling process previously on our blog, which also shows just how beneficial this process is compared to other air conditioners. Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint, stick to your pledge of using less energy this year or even saving money on your energy bills, evaporative cooling can help you.

For all the business minds out there, you’ll also benefit from a high return on investment, as evaporative cooling can be up to 90% more efficient than traditional air conditioning units, meaning that your investment will be well placed –  you’ll be getting more cooling power for your money and reduced energy bills, too!

Using Latent Heat

The important thing to remember about heat is that there are two different forms of heat; that which we can feel, which is known as ‘sensible’ heat, and latent heat, which is heat which can’t be felt but is in the air.

It’s alongside this latent heat that evaporative cooling works. When sensible heat transforms into latent heat, warm air starts to become cooler.

Health Benefits

Evaporative cooling units aren’t just eco friendly, they’re people friendly, too. Because air isn’t re-circulated and there’s no stagnant water in the unit, the spread of viruses, such as flu is extremely low, making them ideal for use in busy, bustling environments.

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We are passionate about the environment here at Heritage Heating & Cooling, and we want 2017 to be the year that more people invest in the cooling power of evaporative cooling and do something great for not only the planet, but their business as well.

If you’d like more information on how we can help you prepare for the warm spring and summer months, please don’t hesitate to contact us today – a member of our team will be more than happy to help!

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