It’s sad to say, but it’s nearly time to put those blazing summer days behind us, and embrace the cooler seasons of autumn and winter.
Although the majority of people will be holding off on pulling out those Christmas jumpers for as long as they can, it’s important to get your workplace ready and able to deal with the change in weather; both inside and out.
No matter if you have a small workforce or a large office complex, it’s important to keep your staff comfortable in all weathers. Here are our 4 top tips on how to get your workplace ready for the change in season… and temperature!
Outdoor Lighting
Autumn is notorious for getting dark earlier in the afternoon than in summer, so it’s important to have sufficient lighting outdoors to make sure that your staff are safe while outside the building.
Installing security lights and porch lights allow staff to navigate safely around the premises, without the risk of falling over objects which they may not be able to see in the dark. It can also make people feel safer, as the darkness can make some feel on edge and uneasy.
Indoor Lighting
Similarly to outdoor lighting, your indoor lighting will need to be sufficient to cope with the dramatic change in light levels outside.
Rather than being able to rely on the natural light coming in through the windows and lighting your office all day, you will have to begin to use your office lighting a lot more. This means that the lighting needs to be good enough to make working comfortable, but not too bright that it can dazzle your workers.
If your staff work on computers, it’s especially important that there is sufficient light for them to work in, as there is a risk of them straining their eyes when working at a screen in dim light.
As you will be using it more, it may be a good idea to look into more energy efficient lighting options such as eco-friendly bulbs to power your office light, saving you money in the long run.
Check Air Conditioning/Heating Units
Air conditioning units can be very effective at heating your office, so it’s important to continue maintenance on it to ensure that it is working at full capacity and that you will make the most out of the beneficial heating features once the cold weather kicks in.
It’s also important to make sure that your air conditioning unit is working correctly as inefficient units can cause you to spend more on your energy bills rather than help you save.
Make sure that you invest in a well known, high quality brand to begin with, such as Powrmatic. This ensures that if you do need any repairs or replacement parts, they can be easily sourced and replaced effectively, reducing the down time and making sure that your workforce have a comfortable workplace to work in.
Discuss Your Protocols
With colder weather comes various different weather conditions, which may make the journey into and from work difficult, as well as disrupting the way your company operates in some circumstances.
It’s important to discuss what your employees should do if they encounter any problems with the weather at work or on their way to and from your premises. This could include what the business would do if some of your workforce were unable to make it into work, the protocols for if a power cut occurred or even the risks and safety checks that are carried out when the weather gets extremely bad.
This not only puts your employees’ minds at rest, but it shows that you are forward thinking and have something set up… just in case.
Here at Heritage Heating and Cooling, we want to help you make sure that you and your employees have a comfortable place to work all year round. Installing a high quality HVAC or heating system such as our range of Powrmatic units in your workplace can make a whole lot of difference, no matter if the weather is boiling hot or freezing hold. Want to know more about how they work? Contact our team today by calling 01509 814 123 and we will be more than happy to help you with your queries.